WLLEF Participant Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct sets the standard of conduct expected of participants at WLLEF Functions and its related online spaces. Participation is conditional on acceptance of this code.
This Code of Conduct sets the standard of conduct expected of participants of all WLLEF functions, both in-person and virtual. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term 'Participants' shall refer to attendees, committee members, volunteers, presenters, and anyone involved in the participation, facilitation or representation of any WLLEF function. This Code of Conduct sets the expectation that all participants will actively work to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment and strictly prohibits harassment, sexual harassment, intimidation, physical altercations and/or discriminatory behavior. Participation in WLLEF activities is conditional upon acceptance of this Code of Conduct.
If you experience or witness a violation of this Code of Conduct, please submit a report by clicking here or in any manner specified in Section IV.
This Code of Conduct applies to all aspects of WLLEF activities where an individual’s behavior affects the ability of others to participate. This includes within the virtual platforms, conference and training sessions, planning meetings, informal side meetings, social platforms, email discussions, and other related interactions. This Code of Conduct applies to all participants, including attendees, speakers, proposal authors, sponsors, committee members, scholarship recipients, volunteers, conference staff, and vendors.
WLLEF seeks to offer a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for learning and sharing, guided by the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. These values can only thrive in an environment that is free from harassment, sexual harassment, intimidation, physical altercations and/or discriminatory behavior..
The standard of conduct is set forth below and is further defined in Section VI. Anyone asked to cease behavior in violation of this Code of Conduct is expected to comply immediately. Engaging in prohibited behavior is subject to enforcement action, which may include being removed from the function or its online spaces.
Behavior that is expected and encouraged:
Be respectful, inclusive, and accepting of others. Actively seek to challenge your personal biases, assumptions, and preconceived stereotypes. Approach differences with openness and curiosity.
Be conscious of how your words and actions might harm others (even unintentionally). Take time to educate yourself on how to be more inclusive, and listen when someone takes the time to educate you.
Be aware of privilege and power dynamics. If you find you are talking or commenting a lot, consider stepping back to leave more space for others. If you share the work or ideas of others, give credit where it is due.
Be considerate of privacy and personal boundaries. Give others a chance to “opt-in” to personal interactions, and respect limits when they are set.
Be constructive in offering criticism, and be gracious in accepting it. Consider “calling in” rather than “calling out,” and direct critiques toward ideas rather than people.
Be committed to maintaining an educational environment. If you are affiliated with a proprietary product or service, do not engage in advertising activities, except as explicitly permitted by a sponsor or vendor agreement.
Behavior that is strictly prohibited:
Discrimination, including unfavorable or disparate treatment to others because of any aspect of their identity, appearance, or protected class.
Harassment and harassing behavior, including use of epithets and slurs, derogatory or hostile comments, repeated attempts to make unwelcome contact, or any behavior that interferes with another person’s participation in the conference.
Sexual harassment, including use of sexual images, jokes of a sexual or gendered nature, or any unwelcome contact of a sexual nature in any medium.
Intimidation, including insults, humiliation, ridicule, and attempts to frighten, isolate or control.
Physical altercations, including intentionally shoving, pushing or otherwise being physically aggressive towards another.
The process for reporting violations of this Code of Conduct and how we respond to reports is laid out in this section.
Reports may be submitted in the following ways:
Via an Online Form (which includes the option to submit anonymously).
Email: report@wllef.org.
Directly to any attending CPCA Team Member.
Reports may be submitted by:
Individuals who have been harmed by a violation of this Code of Conduct.
Witnesses to a violation of this Code of Conduct.
Third parties in possession of information regarding a violation of this Code of Conduct.
Please click here to view our Reporting Guidelines for a comprehensive description of the reporting process.
Those submitting Code of Conduct reports may request confidentiality. WLLEF takes confidentiality seriously and will protect confidentiality in the reporting process to every extent possible. Confidential information will be circulated to the minimum number of people necessary to process the report, and documentation will be handled with utmost sensitivity. However, it may be necessary for WLLEF to share reported information with those parties responsible for investigations of a criminal, civil or administrative matters.
Reports may be submitted anonymously. While anonymous reports will be taken seriously, reporting an incident anonymously or wishing not to disclose key details (e.g. the name of the person being reported) may inhibit WLLEF’s ability to take enforcement action.
If a report is submitted regarding any member of the Board, Committee, Staff Representative, or other person involved in organizing the function, the person reported will not be allowed to view the report, participate in running the investigation, or access any of the records pertaining to the report, except as required by law or equity.
Engaging in harmful behavior has consequences. WLLEF may impose sanctions depending on the severity of a violation.
Examples of potential actions by WLLEF may include:
Issuing a written or verbal warning.
Removing comments, materials, or recordings with harmful content.
Ending a presentation early.
Removing a person from volunteer or committee responsibilities.
Expelling a person from the function.
Blocking or reporting a person in online platforms (Facebook, Twitter, email lists, etc.)
Imposing a ban on future participation in WLLEF events.
Reporting a person’s behavior to the appropriate authorities.
A person sanctioned for violating the Code of Conduct is expected to comply with the terms of the sanctions, and non-compliance may be grounds for further sanctions.
This section provides further definitions for what constitutes prohibited behavior under Section III.
Discrimination occurs when a participant is denied equal opportunity and suffers unfavorable or disparate treatment because of that individual’s identity, which may include their race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, disability, religion, veteran status, or other protected categories under the law.
Harassment is unwelcome conduct (whether physical, verbal, written, or via technology) that is based on a person’s identity or protected class, which may include their race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, disability, religion, veteran status, or other protected categories under the law. Moreover, harassing behavior not based on any of the above discriminatory factors that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment also is unacceptable and subject to enforcement action under the Code of Conduct. Harassment and harassing behavior has the purpose or potential effect of interfering with an individual’s ability to participate in WLLEF functions.
Some examples of harassment include (but are not limited to):
Offensive comments related to a person’s identity or protected class
Using epithets, slurs or stereotypes
Mocking, ridiculing, or mimicking another’s culture, accent, appearance, or customs
Deliberate intimidation, threats of violence, or incitement of violence (including encouraging self-harm)
Stalking or following a person
Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes
Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease such communications by the other party(ies)
Publication of private information, including private communications (unless publication is necessary to protect oneself or others from intentional abuse) or deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity without their consent
Sexual Harassment encompasses unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual or gendered nature that interferes with an individual’s ability to participate in WLLEF activities or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Sexual harassment can include such behaviors as unwanted touching or unwelcome conduct (whether physical, verbal, written, or via technology) of a sexual or gendered nature.
Some examples of sexual harassment include (but are not limited to):
Unwelcome and repeated flirtations, propositions, advances, staring, or other sexual attention
Unwelcome physical contact
Use of sexually suggestive language, gestures, or sounds (including whistling)
Display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures
Offensive, insulting, derogatory, or degrading remarks related to sex or gender
Unwelcome comments about appearance
Deliberate misgendering, including deadnaming (referring to someone who has changed their name by their previous name) and intentional use of pronouns that do not correspond to a person’s gender identity or specified preferences
Sexual jokes or use of sexually explicit or offensive language
Gender- or sex-based pranks
Demands for sexual favors in exchange for favorable or preferential treatment